The above chart highlights important steps to take before and after your primary joint replacement surgery. There are important considerations to have before and after the surgery. Please refer to the following forms for more specific instructions.


  • There are things that YOU (as patients) can do to optimize the outcomes. These should be considered and implemented as soon as possible as they can take a long time. Click here for more details.

  • Exercises before the surgery can improve your outcomes. Click here for specific exercises you can do.

  • Please go over this checklist weeks and months before the surgery for complete preparation. Click here for more details.

  • There are medications to stop taking before the surgery. Please review this list and discuss with your provider and/or primary care physicians. Click here for more details.

  • Keeping surgical areas as clean as possible is important to ensure good wound healing and avoiding any infection. You can achieve this by following some steps in showering and wiping your skin with chlorhexidine. Click here for more instructions on how to perform chlorhexidine wash.


  • On the day of surgery, there are a few do’s and don’ts. Please check out my checklist. Click here for more details.

  • A lot can happen on the day of surgery. Please click here for more details on how your day will likely go.

  • Pain management can be rough in the first two weeks of surgery. As a modern provide, I am aware of opioid pandemics and would like to use narcotics sparingly. Therefore, I implement multimodal pain regimen, meaning that I use multiple non-narcotic medications to assist you with pain management. Click here for more details.

  • There are other medications you are going to be discharged with. Click here for more details.

  • Please follow my discharge instructions. Click here for more details.


Please refer to the following documents in regards to my own postop rehabilitation guidelines, protocols for PT, and home exercises

  • General Guidelines on activities after joint replacement

  • Postop Protocol Guidelines for Physical Therapists

  • Home exercises to do on your own