Preoperative Checklist
In-person or Virtual Joints Classroom
– Have you attended in-person joints sponsored by the hospital?
– If not, have you watched the joints virtual classroom video?
– If you still have questions, please make another clinic appointment with me
Labs (about 1-3 weeks prior to the surgery)
– Did you get your blood drawn for various labs (CBC, INR, etc)?
– Did you get your nose swabbed for checking any skin bugs such as Staph aureus residing in your nose?
Your health/Diet
– Have you been optimizing your health? (absolutely no smoking within one month of surgery!)
– If you have any medical conditions, have you recently seen your primary care physician for clearance?
– Are you eating healthy? This is not the time to go on diet. I want you to be nourished, not malnourished
Social planning
– Advanced Directives
– Find your joints “friend” or “coach” to help you before, during, and after
Bring a list of home medications
Stop some medications and continue with others (please see the next handout)
Chlorhexidine wash (please see the next handout)
Complete any invasive or dental work at least one month prior to the surgery
Complete call with a nurse from the hospital or surgical center
Prepare your home for discharge (make any arrangement, get food ready)