Revision Hip/Knee Replacement
Unfortunately, previously replaced knees and hips can fail at the most inopportune time drastically changing the course of early recovery or well-functioning joint. Whether the source of problem is infection, fracture, instability, stiffness, loose implants, and severe unremitting pain, you might need to consider getting your replaced knee or hip revised.
Some of my patients who have undergone revision surgeries are the happiest patients. They suffered due to failed joint replacement for a long time prior to deciding to go ahead with revision surgeries. Quality of life was severely diminished. In all of these successful cases, the source of pain was identified and corrected. When the source of pain can be identified clearly, the revision surgery can lead to successful outcome and high satisfaction.
However, when the source of pain is not clear, revision surgery might not be the answer. You have to remember that revision surgery involves a lot more than the first surgery. First of all, the previous implants have to come out. And unfortunately, they do not come out easily and cleanly. Even with my best meticulous effort, I am going to take out some healthy bone in the process. This additional bone loss makes the situation of having already deficient bone from the disease state worse. More metallic components have to fill or replace the lost bone.
What does that mean to you? Revised knee and hip will go through longer and more painful recovery. Even after the full recovery, the newly revised joint might not feel as natural as it might have been when the joint was replaced for the first time. Furthermore, there are more complications associated with revision surgery. Just to name a few, infection risk is higher, fracture can occur more, and the revised implants fail at a higher rate.
Each case is unique and should be considered with one-on-one consultation with your surgeon. I provide consultation and treatment for failed total hip, total knee, and partial knee replacement. I also provide robotic-assisted technology in these revision surgeries.