What can YOU do to possibly improve the outcome of your future joint replacement surgery?
Modifiable (something you can fix!) risk factors
If you have diabetes, get blood sugar under control
If you smoke, stop smoking!
Smoking cessation is an absolute requirement for me. We will check the lab to see if you truly stopped smoking
If you are obese, lose weight in a healthy manner!
If you are currently using narcotic medications, reduce or eliminate their use
If you have depression or anxiety, get professional help for treatment
If you have any dental problems, please take care of them at least one month prior to the surgery
If you have any medical conditions, make sure that they are under control. Please talk to your provider
If you have bleeding, clotting, or inflammatory disorders, please communicate with me. Also, discuss all of your allergies and medications that you are taking with your PCP.
Healthy diet and healthy, active lifestyle
Consume well-balanced diets including fruits, vegetables, and protein
If you ask me what supplements you should be taking, I would say you could take iron, Vitamin D, calcium, amino acids
Stay positive!
Enlist a family member or friend to be your “joint replacement coach” through your preparation prior to the surgery and the recovery process
Exercise (see the package)
Take an active role. Ask questions. Attend classes. Read through the materials. Having ownership of the process is going to pay huge dividends at the end.